
Tennis Rehabilitation

Tennis Performance Enhancement and Rehabilitation

Whether you are a golfer, tennis player, pickle ball enthusiast, or play paddle ball, your body is going through phases of focus, stability and mobility for optimum performance.   If tennis is your game, you know how a pain in your elbow can limit your ability to join in on your weekly matches, sometimes keeping you on the bench for weeks to come. But what if the source of your elbow pain did not begin in your elbow? Maybe another part of your body has poor mobility or stability which is undermining your elbow’s ability to tolerate tennis? And possibly that is why therapy to just your elbow has not improved your ability to get back in the game. Without a complete evaluation of your body, the problem will persist despite months of therapy, injections, or prolonged rest.

At BodyFiT Physical Therapy, our goal is to examine your body, head to toe. This is where the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) fits in. The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) is your total body movement diagnostic system. The assessment will provide an efficient method for systematically finding the cause of your pain, not just the source.

The SFMA system begins with a 7-part full body movement assessment with each movement being graded as painful, non-painful, dysfunctional or non-dysfunctional. Through further examination the SFMA gives your therapist an opportunity to differentiate between mobility vs. stability/motor control dysfunctions in order to provide the most appropriate intervention for the problem at hand. By building an intervention plan related to your overall mechanical function rather than medical diagnosis, your therapist can not only impact your symptoms, but also have long lasting positive outcomes for your individual level of function.

The screen is designed to place an individual in extreme positions where movement deficits become noticeable if appropriate stability and mobility are not used. Even though individuals are performing an activity or sport at a high level, it has been observed that many of these same individuals are limited in fundamental movement. This leads to the use of compensatory movements in order to achieve or maintain the level of performance needed for the activity. The inefficient use of compensation during movement will lead to poor biomechanics that limit gains in performance and reduces the body’s ability to remain adaptable and durable against the risks of being involved in the activity or sport.

*Good Mobility & Motor Control prepares your body for a maximum performance or workout*

Your mobility screening will reveal a problem list of the key areas that need stretching, joint mobilization, and/or strengthening to best improve your performance and/or help aid in your injury recovery.

A home exercise program is given to provide you with the tools you need to perform a proper pre-tennis warm-up and post-tennis cool down to further enhance your gains made while in therapy.